Visa and immigration registration

TSU creates a comfortable conditions for students to explore and fulfill their potential. We are aware of various difficulties that international students face, when they come to live and study in entirely new environment. All university staff is dedicated to help each student to adaptate as quick and smooth as possible.

TSU created a special programme for language support of international students. During the first year of study the students who require better Russian language skills can take special courses. Academic Russian language and international communication trainings are also included into the preparatory course.

International Cooperation Department supports international students assisting with health insurance, bank account, and registration with migration services. All students take introductory tour around the university campus and the city.


Student visa is necessary for students who come to Russia for any type and level of education. Normally, a student visa has limited validity of 90 days, but it can be extended repeatedly depending on how long you will study at the university, that sent you the invitation. This means that with the invitation fr om a university you can apply for and receive a one-entry student visa, wich can be prolonged for the whole period of your study.

Preparing an invitation letter for your visa  takes about 30-40 days. After receiving the Visa Support Letter and Official Letter of Admission, please contact the Russian Embassy/Consulate General in a major city or the city in your country  in order to receive your visa.

You should come to Russia no less than 20 days prior to the expiry of your one-entry student visa

Entry to Russia and registration with the local migration services for the period of your study.

Registration is an essential part of successful stay in Togliatti as an international student. You MUST be registered within 3 days on arrival in Russia by Federal Migration Service, so please make sure you come to the International Cooperation Department of the University within 3 days of your arrival to submit necessary documents for registration.


-     The process of preparing your visa invitation takes about 30-40 days so please be patient and make your plans accordingly.

-     You will receive a scanned copy of your digital invitation by e-mail first, then the original invitation will be sent to you by mail (make sure you have provided a valid mailing address)

-     You will be granted a visa to Russia only after you submit the original invitation and other required documents to the Russian Embassy (or Consulate) nearest to you.

-     You should not book or purchase your tickets before you receive the scanned copy of your invitation by e-mail

List of Required Documents

Please, make sure you have the following documents upon arrival at Togliatti State University:

♦  valid international passport 

♦  valid student visa 

♦  migration card 

♦  medical certificate (including AIDS test) 


TSU provides visa support to the applicants through the appropriate Embassy (Consulate) of the Russian Federation nearest to you.

To get visa support, it is necessary to send an e-mail to with a copy of your international passport and with the following information:

-     country of birth

-     city of birth

-     city of residence

-     city wh ere you will apply for a Russian visa

-     estimated dates of arrival in Togliatti

-     full mailing address to which we will send the invitation after it is ready

-     full name of the person who will receive the invitation

-     telephone number and e-mail of that person

Preparing the invitation takes about 30-40 working days.  

There is NO possibility of urgent Invitation issue, so please plan accordingly. The handcopy of the  invitation will be sent to you via  express mail resvices, when applicable.

Fees for visa support are included into the fees you pay under the Agreement you signed with the University.


All foreign citizens arriving in Russia must fillin a migration card provided at the customs. Please fill it in carefully and keep it safe for the whole period of your stay in Russia.

The purpose of entry MUST BE ''study'' - ''учеба''


All international students need to obtain a health insurance certificate after arriving in Russia. There are different insurance plans available with an estimated cost range from 4,000 to 15,000 rubles per year. International Cooperation Department assists all students in choosing and obtaining the most appropriate one.

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Режим работы

приемная комиссия
пн - пт: с 9:00 до 17:00
сб: с 10:00 до 12:00
вс: выходной

Наш адрес

445020, г. Тольятти,
ул. Белорусская, 14,
главный корпус ТГУ,
холл первого этажа


На автобусах:
на автобусах № 2, 7, 13, 73 (остановка "ТГУ")
на автобусе № 2, 13, 40, 73 (остановка "ул. Белорусская")

На маршрутных такси:
на маршрутных такси № 91, 93, 96, 114, 310, 314, 328
(остановка "ТГУ") на маршрутных такси № 126, 326 (остановка "ул. Белорусская")

ул. К.Маркса, д. 108., телефон 8 (8464) 98-33-11.

445350, ул. Мира д. 22, телефон 8 (8486) 22-36-46.

443068, ул. Луначарского 12, телефон 8 (846) 334-72-12.