About Togliatti

Togliatti is a unique place in the heart of Russia. It is located near the National Park “Samarskaya Luka” and the National Biosphere Reserve “Zhiguli” – one of the most ecologically intact places in Russia. Picturesque mountains and plains, lakes and the greatest Russian river Volga make the countryside truly scenic. The climate here is quite comfortable: mildly cold winters together with warm and sunny summers.

Togliatti history goes back as far as 1737. Construction of the Volga Hydroelectric Power Plant in the 1950s and the Volga Automotive Plant in 1970s stimulated vigorous growth of the city and boosted its economy and infrastructure. Currently, with population over 740,000 people, Togliatti is the second largest city in Samara Region being an international automotive and chemical industry hub where such major federal projects as the Special Economic Zone “Togliatti” and the Hi-Tech Park “Zhiguli Valley” are developed.

Togliatti is a city of energetic, purposeful and successful people. It is the hometown of a number of Olympic champions, outstanding musicians, artists, and other famous people. Togliatti is an international city and all nationalities and cultures are welcome here.

Developed infrastructure ensures high quality of life and living costs are significantly lower here than in larger cities and the capital. Built as the first of the most daring projects of its time Togliatti is still dynamic, constantly developing and comfortable for life, work and study.

Togliatti also offers vibrant day- and nightlife for young people: the variety of places to go is unlimited. A wide range of open air parties, shows, festivals, and contests held in summer and winter is truly great. It includes a massive annual open air summer festival GES FEST - people come fr om all over Samara Region to take part in it. The famous Grushinsky Festival of the Bard Song welcomes people not only fr om Russia but from many other countries of the world. Other well known musical festivals are “Zakharovsky Slet” and “World Drums”.

Togliatti has two embankments with beautiful views and multiple options for outdoor activities. For those who enjoy art it is worth visiting city museums and exhibitions: Local History Museum is in the Central District wh ere you will find a regular exhibition on the history of our city and the region, as well as various art and photo exhibitions. Numerous theaters, culture and recreation centers and the Music Hall provide people with plenty of concerts, films, plays and performances for all tastes and in all styles from classic to modern.

Living in Russia


You are still at home packing and deciding what clothes to bring? Togliatti is located in the southeastern part of European Russia, not far from Moscow. Local winters are not too severe, but it can get as cold as 25-30 C° below zero, and average winter temperature is 10-15 C° below zero, therefore, you have to stock very warm clothes, warm winter boots, and hats. Also waterproof boots, a raincoat, and an umbrella are necessary for autumn and spring, too, when it can be windy and wet. Local summer is rather warm and can be even hot – 20-25 C° with several particularly hot days of around 30-35 C°, so make sure you have appropriate clothes. Before leaving the house it can be a good idea to check the weather outside and the forecasts.

Although, if you did not bring some clothes with you, you can always buy things you need here in Togliatti. There are a lot of shops and markets wh ere you can find suitable clothes.


The main kind of transport in Togliatti is city public transport (buses, trolleys, and marshrutki – mini-van-size busses with special routes), as well as taxis which make it possible to easily reach any part of the city. Each transport line is numbered and the main stops are usually listed on the bus/trolleys (in Russian, of course). The fare is 25-27 rubles. In the majority of buses/trolleys the stops are announced in Russian. In marshrutki the stops are not announced, but you can ask the driver to help you get the stop you need.


The one and only night transport in Togliatti is taxi. The minimum fare for a ride is 100-300 rubles depending on the distance you are going. Extra fare may be charged for large luggage, extra stops on your request during the trip, etc.


You can use Google Maps, Yandex Maps or 2gis.ru services. There you can find a telephone directory, a map, and the names of the bus stops, and plan your route accordingly.

If you have decided to go to the countryside or to another city, Togliatti has several train stations, intercity bus terminals and even two ports; you can get to the airport Kurumoch by marshrutka, taxi or commute train.


It goes without saying that you should take care of your safety. Public security is provided by the police. All university buildings and dormitories are guarded 24/7 by the University security department and by private security agencies.

Being a resident of the Russian Federation as foreign citizen you should always have your passport, migration card, and local residence registration with you. To make your visit safe you should respect the law, Russian customs and traditions, and follow the rules of personal security. Upon arrival you will be instructed on basic rules of personal safety and given the emergency contacts to call.

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Режим работы

приемная комиссия
пн - пт: с 9:00 до 17:00
сб: с 10:00 до 12:00
вс: выходной

Наш адрес

445020, г. Тольятти,
ул. Белорусская, 14,
главный корпус ТГУ,
холл первого этажа


На автобусах:
на автобусах № 2, 7, 13, 73 (остановка "ТГУ")
на автобусе № 2, 13, 40, 73 (остановка "ул. Белорусская")

На маршрутных такси:
на маршрутных такси № 91, 93, 96, 114, 310, 314, 328
(остановка "ТГУ") на маршрутных такси № 126, 326 (остановка "ул. Белорусская")

ул. К.Маркса, д. 108., телефон 8 (8464) 98-33-11.

445350, ул. Мира д. 22, телефон 8 (8486) 22-36-46.

443068, ул. Луначарского 12, телефон 8 (846) 334-72-12.