
Togliatti State University provides accommodation in a dormitory on campus.


The dormitory offers comfortable double rooms with bathrooms, shared kitchen on every floor, washing machines, small auditorium and a study room on the ground floor. The snack bar offers hot food and various meals. 24/7 security of the dormitories is ensured by the University Security Service. 

The accommodation fee is about 900 RUR/15 USD/ 13 EUR (per month/per person).

Medical Aid Post and a gym are located in close proximity to the dormitory.


Purchasable extras include additional furniture, extra pillows, mattresses, linen, etc. as well as household appliances (if available). 

 Free Wi-Fi is available across the campus and all accommodation areas.

There is a limited number of rooms in the dormitory. In case there is not enough rooms international students are assisted in finding private accommodation outside the TSU campus. Minimum cost of a shared apartment is approximately 5,000 RUR /90 USD / 85 EUR (per month), bills are not included.

Estimated average monthly costs of living in Togliatti - about 10,000 RUR*:

·                      Accommodation – about 5,000 RUR

·                      Food and basic everyday costs – about 5,000 RUR

·                      Transportation – about 1,000 RUR

·                      Telephone – about 500-1,000 RUR

*All sums depend on personal life style and preferences as well as inflation and changing economic situation.

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Режим работы

приемная комиссия
пн - пт: с 9:00 до 17:00
сб: с 10:00 до 12:00
вс: выходной

Наш адрес

445020, г. Тольятти,
ул. Белорусская, 14,
главный корпус ТГУ,
холл первого этажа


На автобусах:
на автобусах № 2, 7, 13, 73 (остановка "ТГУ")
на автобусе № 2, 13, 40, 73 (остановка "ул. Белорусская")

На маршрутных такси:
на маршрутных такси № 91, 93, 96, 114, 310, 314, 328
(остановка "ТГУ") на маршрутных такси № 126, 326 (остановка "ул. Белорусская")

ул. К.Маркса, д. 108., телефон 8 (8464) 98-33-11.

445350, ул. Мира д. 22, телефон 8 (8486) 22-36-46.

443068, ул. Луначарского 12, телефон 8 (846) 334-72-12.