Information about admission

Application dates and deadlines:
  • Undergraduate programmes – 20 June - 27 July, 2019
  • Postgraduate programmes – 20 June - 17 August, 2019

The following documents should be attached to your application: 

  • copy of your high school certificate or bachelor degree diploma with transcripts 
  • notarised translation into Russian of the high school certificate or bachelor degree diploma with transcripts 
  • 6 passport-size photos 
  • confirmation of recognition of your previous education (nostrification)
  • health certificate (including AIDS test)
  • notarised translation of your passport into Russian

Every applicant should pass the admission procedure, which includes an interview and a test (see the dates above).

1) For a full time study please fill in the Application Form and send it to

2) You will get the confirmation of admission by e-mail within 2-3 weeks

3) With the confirmation you will get a list of required documents necessary to obtain an official invitation and your Russian student visa.


To be admitted at Togliatti State University you need your high school certificate to be recognised in the Russian Federation, or you have to undergo the recognition (nostrification) procedure.

Nostrification of foreign education certificates is a standardised form of legalisation in the Russian Federation of the education received abroad.  There is a distinction between academic and professional recognition of foreign education certificates. Academic recognition allows the certificate holder to continue his/ her Russian education at an educational institution of the appropriate level.
Use the link below to find out more about the procedure and the required documents and how to apply for the procedure -

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приемная комиссия
пн - пт: с 9:00 до 17:00
сб: с 10:00 до 12:00
вс: выходной

Наш адрес

445020, г. Тольятти,
ул. Белорусская, 14,
главный корпус ТГУ,
холл первого этажа


На автобусах:
на автобусах № 2, 7, 13, 73 (остановка "ТГУ")
на автобусе № 2, 13, 40, 73 (остановка "ул. Белорусская")

На маршрутных такси:
на маршрутных такси № 91, 93, 96, 114, 310, 314, 328
(остановка "ТГУ") на маршрутных такси № 126, 326 (остановка "ул. Белорусская")

ул. К.Маркса, д. 108., телефон 8 (8464) 98-33-11.

445350, ул. Мира д. 22, телефон 8 (8486) 22-36-46.

443068, ул. Луначарского 12, телефон 8 (846) 334-72-12.